A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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This Game contains adult content!

This is something I have been working on for the last 4 months during my free time. I have always like creating games in rpg maker with my friends and recently decided to try to make something more substantial. However I still need to make a living so the game may not have a lot going for it at the moment... I still would like to share what I have so far in the hopes that others like it and want to help me by making it so I can spend more time on creating games through financial support. This is something I am doing for free, but if this starts making money I would totally shift gears over to making this more of a focus in my life.

I have always loved RPGs and recently have gained an intrest in renpy made games. So here I am with the game I am developing.

The End of Humanity is a story about the player (male protag) joining his friends Crystal and Bale to join a military college that has just opened up. This college boasts that it will teach it's students in the use of alien weaponry that has been created thanks to the sciences shared with the human race from aliens in exchange of being able to make refuge on Earth.

I say aliens but they are just other fantasy races... The aliens that make refuge on Earth look like Elves and other alien races I plan to add are a Dwarven looking race, Goblins, and Treants.

No, there is no magic... just a bunch of pseudo-science!

It's sort of a life sim/date sim/sandbox/rpg/visual novel... if that is something you are into, feel free to join the discord server and talk about what you like most about this game/ also what you would like fixed and or improved. Links are in game.

For anyone wanting to know, at the moment things are getting quite busy in my life leaving very little free time for me. But I am still working on this, but at a pace that is much slower than I am willing to say 'It is in development'. I have switched it to on hold but I am still working on this when I can just don't expect an update anytime soon.

As for why: between family issues which have been cropping up one after another, work slowing down/not making me enough to get by, looking to potentially take a second job over spending the free time working on this as this isn't making me money, and now my friends who are not as interested in a visual novel wanting me to make a multiplayer coop action-rpg that we can play together... But frankly, I have a lot done just not on the art side for this game/ and the art is actually taking longer than I anticipated... partially due to the fact I don't own a drawing tablet and every time I start saving up the money for it, my car decides it wants to eat it up in some new repair it needs. But seriously I am starting to understand why vn's avoid having to many background images... they really eat up time to make.

So I will work on the art here and there but for now it will be on hold for the seeable future. I will upload my multiplayer coop action-rpg when I get most of the foundation together. And sorry if you really wanted to see this get done sooner... luckily no one has given me money yet, so hopefully no one will be too mad at the fact that this is now on hold.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

teoh-osx.zip 287 MB
Version 0.01.45
teoh-win-linux.zip 322 MB
Version 0.01.45

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